My Life as a Las Vegas DJ

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Halloween Wedding Reception

Halloween was a great Las Vegas DJ gig!  I was the DJ/MC for a wedding reception. The bride and groom wanted a Steam Punk / Edward Sissor's Hand theme.  They gave me a playlist that included The Misfits, The Ghastly Ones and theme music from The Nightmare Before Christmas. The bride, groom, bridal party and guests were all dressed in halloween costumes. The bride really did a wonderful job of putting together the dresses.

After dinner,the alcohol started to kick in amongst the guests and they were in the mood to dance.  The bride's mother begged me to play some line dances and "Baby Got Back".  The bride stated on her playlist that she only wanted music from the playlist.  But, the pressure was too much and she gave in telling "me to play whatever they requested". Yes!

I started out with a line dance to get everyone out on the floor.  But in keeping with the spirit of the evening. I played The Cure, NIN as well as the party music that a mixed age group would enjoy.

The bride's father was ecstatic that he got a great rate on the venue (not too many Halloween weddings) and that I did a wonderful job.  He gave me the largest tip I've had in quite awhile. :)

DJ Angel- VegasDeeJay.Com